September 15, 2008

Just the Two of Us

It's official.....Mike and I have pretty boring lives! There has been nothing "post-worthy" going on in our lives for like the past two weeks. I've decided it must be because it's just the two of us. What ever the reason is for our lack of excitement.....I felt the need to update my blog with the little excitement we have had.
Last Friday, Mike had a camp out with the young men, while I was home all alone on a Friday night! :( My cousin, Courtney, had her bridal shower on Saturday afternoon. It was nice to catch up with all the fam!
Mike and his brothers joined a city softball league about a month ago, so on Wednesday I went and watched them get creamed! The only game they've actually won had girls on the team......It's a good thing they just go out there to have fun!
On Thursday, we cleaned out our camp trailer and said our was actually kind of sad to see it go. Pathetic, I know!
Mike left me again on Friday to go to an antique truck show in Salina, Utah. While he was gone, I made dinner for my parents and we hung up a much needed blind over our sliding door. For the past two months all the neighbors have been able to see right in our living room. On Saturday we loaded up the motorbikes and headed up to Kelly's Canyon for the afternoon. It was such a nice day and we had tons of fun. If any of you actually read this, I'm impressed. Now you know what I mean about boring lives!!


brittney perry said...

well. I think you are exciting. and at least you have someone to be not exciting with. if I were to title this, it would be "just the one of me."

Cindy said...

I dont think youre life is boring- its just normal! Right now I would be very grateful to have a normal life again! What happened to your sliding door blinds? Did they break?

Lindsay said...

Wow Ashley, I didnt know Physicians Skin Care was the high light of your day... ha ha. At least you make my day more exciting.

morgan and tina said...

Ashley! I found your blog while cruising around! I'm so glad that you have one and it's fun to see what you're up to because I've been wondering! We have a blog but it's on private so send me your email in a message on facebook or to my e-mail and I will add you for sure so we can keep in touch!
ps..cute house!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashley! I'm glad to see you and Mike have a blog! I'm going to add you 2 to my list! How are things going? I just saw Cindy and Shauna today at Primary Childrens, Let me know how things are